When will Nesara Gesara be enacted? What’s the holdup?

 Here’s a short description of NESARA’s mandate in the United States:

  • Cancels all credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities. Many refer to this as a “jubilee” or complete forgiveness of debt.

  • Abolishes Federal Income Taxes in the U.S. Creates a 17% flat rate non-essential new items only sales tax revenue for the government. In other words, food and medicine will not be taxed, nor will used items such as old homes.

  • Abolishes the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), with employees of the IRS will be transferred into the US Treasury national sales tax area.

  • Restores Constitutional Law to all courts and legal matters in the Republic of the United States of America. Retrains all judges and attorneys in Constitutional Law.

  • Removes all dark cabal agents and administration officials and all members of the U.S. Congress from their positions due to their continuous unconstitutional actions.

  • Establishes new Presidential and Congressional elections within 120 days of GESARA’s announcement. Allows the new Republic of the U.S. to temporarily govern the country’s affairs until fair and legal elections can be held.

  • International Monitors will be present to prevent illegal voter ballot stuffing or fraudulent election activities of special interest groups.

  • Eliminates all “states of emergency” thus declaring peace for every land abiding by GESARA and it’s alliance.

  • Allows the new Republic to physically remove or eliminate any obstacle impeding GESARA law.

  • Ceases all aggressive U.S. government military action worldwide.

  • Forces the U.S. military to immediately remove troops from all sovereign nations that no longer willingly accept them to reside on their soil (including Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Philippines, etc.).

  • Initiates new U.S. Treasury Bank System in alignment with Constitutional Law.

  • Creates a new U.S. Treasury rainbow currency backed by gold, silver, platinum, and precious metals, ending the bankruptcy of the United States initiated by Franklin Roosevelt in 1933.

  • Eliminates the Federal Reserve System. During the transition period, the Federal Reserve will be allowed to operate side by side of the U.S. treasury for one year in order to remove all Federal Reserve notes from the money supply.

  • Restores financial privacy.

  • Establishes peace throughout the world as monitored by the United Nations Security Council.

  • Releases unprecedented prosperity funds in a “share the wealth redistribution program” for every individual on Earth as well as the release of enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes across the planet. This means that every human being could become a multi-millionaire instantly without debt of any kind. This is in alignment with the Global Currency Reset & Revaluation (GCR-RV). Stay up-to-date on developments. Click here.

  • Enable the release of over 6,000 patents of suppressed technologies that are being withheld from the public under the guise of national security, including free energy devices, anti-gravity, and sonic healing machines.

  • Eliminates all current and future nuclear powered weaponry on Planet Earth.

  • Increases benefits to senior citizens and children.

  • Reinstates the Original Title of Nobility amendment.

  • Forbids the sale of American birth certificate records as chattel property bonds by the U.S. Department of Transportation.

U.S. President Bill Clinton Signed NESARA into law on October 10, 2000.
Let us consider what happened with the creation of the National Economic Security and Reformation Act (NESARA). The Act was passed by the United States Congress on March 9, 2000 and then sent to President Bill Clinton for his signature.

, President Clinton was forced by military to sign NESARA into law on October 10, 2000, and it was to be announced (enacted) the morning of Sept. 11th, 2001 

(Remember what happened on that date at the Twin Towers in New York City?). At that point NESARA, as with any legislation so acted upon, became a “law of the land”, but wait a minute! 

No one wanted to enforce it. Why?

 No one wanted to enforce NESARA because this law required the physical and permanent removal from their government positions of all those, who were treasonous. 

Those, who had deliberately acted outside the Constitution of the Republic, had committed treason. 

Those who were treasonous included the United States president and vice president, the presidential cabinet, all members of Congress, various government departmental heads, all fifty governors of the fifty states, judges and others.

To hide NESARA from public view and, thus, to prevent its enforcement by popular demand, the United States Supreme Court placed a gag order on all public officials, the United States military, law enforcement personnel, bankers, attorneys, judges, the media and anyone else, who knew about NESARA and, who might give information about NESARA to the public.

 If the people learned the Truth about NESARA, they would demand its enforcement. This could not be allowed.

The plan to hide NESARA worked well for a time, but gradually news of NESARA began to be leaked to the public.

 To circumvent any public action to enforce NESARA, “plan B” was created. The plan was to forever delay the enforcement of NESARA by fooling the people with trickery.

 NESARA was embroiled in fictitious legal procedures and court orders by both the United States Supreme Court and the International Court of Justice.

 This game of deceit could be played forever, NESARA could be permanently delayed, and the people of the world would never be the wiser.

I believe the time is here for us to move into this 5D state of structure where equality, peace and justice prevail.

However, as always, ( YOU )the viewer / reader are advised to use one’s own discernment in evaluating the information.

Now it’s being delayed because first Biden could not be removed as.       incompetent. He had to be given a year to improve. So on Jan 20 2022 it’s now legal for the military to remove him.

Until he’s gone, and the stock market crashes which is supposed to happen at any time.


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